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[Sold-out] springer link 230000 ebooks[limit=1] - [Price 7000 Credits] agree wowo 2023-11-16 22064 boxue953 2023-11-16 23:09
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[Original] ov*rdr*ve 587.271 book - [Read permissions 30]- [Price 15000 Credits] agree drhakan 2023-9-28 013 drhakan 2023-9-28 11:37
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Proquest Ebook Central(University of California Berkeley) [limit=1] - [Read permissions 20]- [Price 2500 Credits] agree scinb 2021-4-17 124 zerogoodzero 2023-8-20 11:29
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iresearchbook.cn 380000 books - [Read permissions 30]- [Price 1300 Credits] zerogoodzero 2022-4-4 518 bunsand 2023-8-1 03:48
[Sold-out] ebookcentral [limit for drhakan] - [Price 5000 Credits] boxue953 2023-7-31 23312 drhakan 2023-8-1 00:23
Quintessence International[limit=1] - [Read permissions 20]- [Price 800 Credits] disagree zerogoodzero 2022-3-16 223 drhakan 2023-7-31 20:48
[Original] only for boxu953 - [Price 500 Credits] drhakan 2023-7-30 12626 boxue953 2023-7-30 23:46
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